Accelerated Reader Book Finder
Below is a link to a useful website that lets you find out if the book you are reading is available as a quiz on Accelerated Reader.
This page contains news and information about changes and updates to this website.
Below is a link to a useful website that lets you find out if the book you are reading is available as a quiz on Accelerated Reader.
Below is the link to the Accelerated Reader website.
Hello and thank you for logging on to the Year 5 website!
To allow everyone time to access the website and set up their log-ins (and allow us to sort any issues), the first homework to be set will be spellings. The spelling lists will be uploaded on Friday 2nd October.
If you want to practise the Year 5 spelling patterns (or those of other year groups if you know that would be useful for you), then this website has a number of free games and activities that allows you to do this. You don’t need to create a login unless you want to record your scores and you don’t need to subscribe to use the free games.
Don't forget you can now access Acclerated reader at home so you can continue to quiz once you have finished a book. To access our school page on Accelerated Reader, you need to use this website: